Friday 31 May 2019

May 2019 Portfolio Update

May 2019

Portfolio Value after market close: S$93,485.52

Wifey's Portfolio Value after market close: S$44,737.55

Purchases: Japfa x 10,000 shares

Sold: None


CapitaLand: $480
Japfa: $150
MNACT: $78.24
Suntec: $129.20*



Saw the price weakness and added 10 lots to the existing 10 lots in holding. 

As the often quoted saying goes: when people are fearful you must be greedy..

Hopefully it turns out right for me.

I like their vertically integrated business model though a combination of the swine flu and poor 1Q results affected the share price by quite a bit.

Japfa share price is still consolidating between 0.545 - 0.57. I reckon 2nd half of this year might see better results from them due to higher poultry demands in Ramadan month.

Meanwhile I will continue buying their Greenfields brand for my milk supply which is really one of the cheapest in the supermarkets : )


Opted for DRP for both. Will include in next month's update.

*Updated with Suntec's dividend. Forgot to input in the original post. 

Wednesday 15 May 2019

Net Worth (A Quick Estimate)

Recently have seen some bloggers writing about their net worth. With some free time tonight I thought it would be interesting to do a quick estimate of my current net worth for curiosity sake too.

This is a back-of-the-envelope calculation so figures are not 100% accurate.

All figures are based on point of writing (14 May 2019 11.50 pm).

Insurance Cash Value: $105k
Investments: $93k
CPF: $157k
Cash 1: $43k
Cash 2: $140k
Property Value (50%): $250k
Watch: $8k
Housing Loan (50%): ($35k)
Car Loan: ($54k)

Net Worth: $707k

I have excluded the car related values such as PARF and COE rebate.

I bought my watch at $8k+ about 8 years back. Current price for the same watch is around $11k. I have used the purchased price for my net worth calculations.

I guess I am not doing too badly but not great too.

Good news is that I can pay off my housing and car loans anytime.

Not so good news is that I am still a far cry from my retirement plan.

Work hard JASS. Work hard.