Monday 4 January 2021

2020: A Year in Review

Time really flew past in 2020 and it's time for a review of the year again.
Here is goes. 


We have a new addition to our family in 2020. Our son arrived safe and sound in August to meet his parents and sister.

This means less personal time for myself but more bonding time with kids on the other hand.

It's a hard juggle some times though.

Our hope is for our kids to grow up healthy, happily and with the right values in life.

Healthy Lifestyle

My health in the past year is generally good except for the last week of the year where I came down with a sore throat. 
I think that was the first time I visited a doctor in 2 ~ 3 years.
Other than that I am pleased and thankful for the healthy body in an otherwise unhealthy year for the world.
Earlier this year I came up with an exercise regime that can be done at home. It trains most of the major muscle groups of the body and combine resistance training with cardio respiratory training.

I've blogged about it here previously.
I did the training almost daily till July / August where I stopped and the effect on the body is pretty visible. Both internally and externally.
I have restarted the training this week and hope to do it as often as my time allows.
Guess this, together with the cold showers that I've taken since years ago, really helps to keep one healthy. 

Oh the cold weather these few days makes the showers even shioker!
Recently I have also attended a certified personal trainer course to learn how to train more effectively. Hopefully I can pass with flying colours.


With my financial year ending in February 2021, I still have two months to charge ahead.
Results so far for this FY are terrible. Business secured and project value both dropped tremendously.

This FY is expected to be a loss-making year.
The circuit breaker earlier this year means no new business coming in for most part of the year. Projects that were in discussion were put on hold. And I couldn't go out for sales talk due to the travel and social distancing restrictions.
But no excuses here. I should have work harder.
On the bright side, I made use of the time to get some certifications for the company which will come in useful especially when bidding for public projects.
Good thing is that the company is still surviving due to the good performance of the past two years.

Hopefully this year onwards we can more than cover the shortfall of the precedent year.

Moving forward, my focus is to grow the business and start hiring if company performance improves.

Financials and Other Incomes

Previously I have set these targets for 2020.

Targeted Passive Income Actual Passive Income Achieved
$7,200.00 $6,687.14 vs $4,471.25 in 20199
Targeted Side Income Actual Side Income Achieved
$6,000.00 $2,563.49 vs $5,314.78 in 20199

Results: Both targets not achieved.

For 2021,

Targeted passive income: S$8,900
Targeted side income: S$11,500


Received my last round of dividends for the year in December consisting of:
1) ESR REIT @ $79.80
2) MNACT @ $115.04
3) Netlink Trust @ $202.40
4) DBS @ $108
5) MLT @ $201.30
6) CRCT @ $220
7) Ascendas REIT @ $287
Total: $1,213.54
Moving forward investment-wise, my plan for this year is to:
1. Get rid of the dead wood in my portfolio (was planning to do it last month but the price had a drastic fall on the day I wanted to sell)
2. Allocate a portion of my investments into crypto currencies (probably 1% of my portfolio for a start)

3. Invest into the US market

My investment style remains the same: Income investing.
Hence main focus will still be concentrated in the local companies where the yield is still attractive.
My holdings as of 31/12/2020:

S/N Counter No. of Shares Cost incl. Fees Price at 31/12/2020 Value at 31/12/2020
1 OCBC 1,055 $9,310.49 $10.060 $10,613.30
2 SingTel 8,000 $25,820.21 $2.310 $18,480.00
3 CICT 5,400 $9,307.87 $2.160 $11,664.00
4 Suntec REIT 4,000 $6,629.59 $1.490 $5,960.00
5 CapitaLand 4,000 $11,969.70 $3.280 $13,120.00
6 ISOTeam 50,000 $21,070.79 $0.130 $6,500.00
7 Netlink Trust 8,000 $6,337.19 $0.965 $7,720.00
8 Mapletree Logistic Trust 10,000 $13,820.80 $2.010 $20,100.00
9 RHT Health Trust 10,000 $1,460.58 $0.019 $190.00
10 ESR REIT 10,000 $5,334.46 $0.395 $3,950.00
11 Mapletree NAC Trust 4,000 $4,455.20 $0.970 $3,880.00
12 Ascendas REIT 7,000 $20,419.89 $2.980 $20,860.00
13 CRCT 9,100 $12,973.67 $1.390 $12,649.00
14 DBS 600 $13,148.49 $25.040 $15,024.00
        Total Value: $150,710.30
Took part in several preferential offers in 2020 including Mapletree Logistic Trust, Ascendas REIT and CapitaLand Retail China Trust with the latter two happening in the last month of the year.
Also applied for excess for all three POs and received it for both MLT and Ascendas.

For CRCT, I had applied for a total of 13,000 units (allocation + excess) but ended up only getting 4,000 units.
All the above are quality businesses which I have no qualms in taking the opportunities presented to add to my investments.

Back in March 2020, I have identified CRCT, DBS and OCBC among the counters in my watch list to focus my funds on.

So far I have added 3 batches of CRCT and 2 batches of DBS and OCBC each.
As of year end 2020, number of holdings in my portfolio increased to 14 counters compared to 13 in 2019.
Portfolio value at end of the year increased to S$150,710 (vs S$122,453 in 2019).
Tabulated summary:

Year end portfolio cost incl. fees $162,059
Year end portfolio value $150,710
2020 dividend collected $6,094
2020 net realised P/L $3,516
Total accumulative dividend collected $22,029
Total invested to long term portfolio in 2020 $59,269
Again, the overall portfolio was dragged down by ISOTeam which I have the intention to realise the loss and place the remaining fund elsewhere.

Other than that, the realised P&L is a positive.

My transactions for 2020:

S/N Counter No. of Shares Cost incl. Fees Type
1 OCBC 500 $4,615.63 Bought
2 OCBC 500 $4,257.27 Bought
3 OCBC 31 $241.49 Bought
4 SingTel 3,000 $7,452.73 Bought
5 CCT 3,500 $5,716.86 Bought
6 Mapletree Logistic Trust 2,483 $4,942.17 Bought
7 Japfa 10,000 $5,002.00 Bought
8 Japfa 40,000 $24,716.05 Sold
9 Ascendas REIT 2,000 $5,921.00 Bought
10 Ascendas REIT 5,000 $13,596.40 Bought
11 Ascendas REIT 5,000 $13,902.24 Sold
12 CRCT 5,000 $7,680.40 Bought
13 CRCT 3,000 $4,005.27 Bought
14 CRCT 1,100 $1,288.00 Bought
15 DBS 300 $7,194.36 Bought
16 DBS 300 $5,954.13 Bought
17 DLC SG5xShort DBS 5,000 $6,275.00 Bought
18 DLC SG5xShort DBS 5,000 $5,075.00 Sold
19 DLC SG5xShort DBS 10,000 $17,800.00 Bought
20 DLC SG5xShort DBS 10,000 $15,300.00 Sold
21 DLC SG5xShort SIA 10,000 $8,027.55 Bought
22 DLC SG5xShort SIA 10,000 $7,794.96 Sold
23 Keppel DC REIT 5,000 $11,519.69 Bought
24 Keppel DC REIT 5,000 $11,709.77 Sold
    Total Bought: $121,489.95  
    Total Sold: $78,498.02  
Quite a number of transactions done for my standard. Unfortunately not all turned out to be good trades.
Highlights include averaged down on Japfa in batches which turned in a profit and some bad trades on DLCs.
Hopefully I will improve on my trading skills in the year ahead.
Lastly, here's wishing everyone a blessed and healthy 2021.

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