Sunday 2 February 2020

Finally Made My CPF Nomination

So I had some free time yesterday and I decided to do something meaningful which is to make my CPF nomination.

What prompted me to do it are two reasons:

1) Firstly it is now possible to make the nomination online via This means it is super convenient as compared to last time. 

2) Secondly and more importantly is this:

Now this made me sit up. Why should I let my money be handled by a stranger who get a cut of it after I passed on? 

No way I'm going to let that happen so I quickly made use of the pocket of time I had and logged into the CPF website.  

The whole process of nomination is quite straightforward and self-explanatory. All in all it took me about 10 min to complete the process to ensure my CPF will be distributed according to my nomination.

The information needed are as follows:

1) Your SingPass

2) Your nominee(s) name and NRIC No. (You can nominate up to 8 nominees) 

3) Name, NRIC No. and email address / HP No. of two witnesses.

With the above details you are all set to do your nomination.

Do note that after you have made your nomination, your two witnesses have to log into the CPF website to confirm (witness) your nomination within 7 days.

For curiosity sake, I went to check on the fees payable to the Public Trustee's Office if the CPF is to be distributed by them and the details are as follows:

Hope you have made your nomination too. 

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